I’m back……

                                My dual VFO setup on the 7610 I am back and it’s not that I have been anywhere but summer is he…

Make The Contact

Regarding the important religious issue of ham radio modulation, I am agnostic. There is room in ham radio for many modes including CW, AM, FM, SSB, RTTY, DV, FT8, and …

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Marine Radiofax Weather Charts Via Shortwave Radio – WEFAX

Weather out over oceans?  That, and more. More than international broadcast stations and amateur radio operators exist on the shortwave radio spectrum.  For instance, any non-broadcast signal that is not …

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Ham College 114

Ham College episode 114 is now available for download. Technician Class Exam Questions – part 1 T1A – Purpose and permissible use of the Amateur Radio Service. Operator/primary station license …

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ARRL made a comment in an update yesterday about some members “believe [ARRL] should be openly communicating everything [emphasis added] associated with this incident.” That’s not what this member has …

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Ham College 113

Ham College episode 113 is now available for download. Amateur Extra Exam questions part 51 of 51. E0A – Safety: RF radiation hazards, hazardous materials, grounding. Download YouTube