Notes on git’s error messages

While writing about Git, I’ve noticed that a lot of folks struggle with Git’s error messages. I’ve had many years to get used to these error messages so it took …

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BETA Test: Fastly repositories

We are looking for BETA testers. We’ve got new ultra fast repositories, powered by Fastly. We need many users to switch over to be able to test this properly. If you are interested visit for information on how to participate. Thank you.

Systemctl Command Examples

If you are using any popular Linux distribution including Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, openSUSE, or Fedora, your system uses systemd as its init system. Sure, there are controversies surrounding systemd. But, …

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Systemctl Command Examples

If you are using any popular Linux distribution including Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, openSUSE, or Fedora, your system uses systemd as its init system. Sure, there are controversies surrounding systemd. But, …

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Text Manipulation in Linux: Awk Vs. Sed

by George Whittaker The Linux operating system is a powerhouse for developers, system administrators, and enthusiasts alike, offering unparalleled flexibility and control. Central to its prowess is the command line, …

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Monthly News – March 2024

Hi everyone, We’ve got a lot to talk about this month, but first and foremost I’d like to thank our donors, our sponsors and all the people who support us. Many thanks to you all. Localization Improvements were made for Linux Mint 22 installations to be better localized and to use less disk space than […]

Making crochet cacti

I noticed some tech bloggers I follow have been making April Cools Day posts about topics they don’t normally write about (like decaf or microscopes). The goal isn’t to trick …

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Ham College 111

Ham College episode 111 is now available for download. Extra Class Exam Questions – Part 49 E9G The Smith chart Download YouTube