Ham College 116

Ham College episode 116 is now available for download. Ham College 116 Technician Exam Questions Part 3. T1C – Licensing: classes, sequential and vanity call sign systems, places where the …

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Ham College 115

Ham College episode 115 is now available for download. Ham College 115 Technician Exam Questions Part 2. T1B – Frequency allocations, Emission modes, Spectrum sharing, Transmissions near band edges, Contacting …

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Ham College 114

Ham College episode 114 is now available for download. Technician Class Exam Questions – part 1 T1A – Purpose and permissible use of the Amateur Radio Service. Operator/primary station license …

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Ham College 113

Ham College episode 113 is now available for download. Amateur Extra Exam questions part 51 of 51. E0A – Safety: RF radiation hazards, hazardous materials, grounding. Download YouTube

Ham College 112

Ham College episode 112 is now available for download. Extra Class Exam Questions – Part 50 E9H Receiving Antennas: radio direction finding antennas, Beverage antennas, specialized receiving antennas, long-wire receiving …

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Ham College 111

Ham College episode 111 is now available for download. Extra Class Exam Questions – Part 49 E9G The Smith chart Download YouTube

AmateurLogic 191: Tool Time

AmateurLogic.TV Episode 191 is now available for download. Can’t find the tool you need? Make it. Economical heat shrink tubing labels. Emile’s out of this world NASA adventure. Mike’s BitX40 …

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